What is your favorite kitchen utensil?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's kinda like Robinson Crusoe, except nothing like Robinson Crusoe.

Holy shit. Well, I planned on writing a new entry yesterday, but that became impossible due to the fact that we had no power in our house for the entire day after Jack Frost decided to just up and jizz all over the entire city of Pittsburgh.

Our whole house was fucked, no electricity, no heat, not even any water pressure! Nothing will put you in a worse mood than waking up several hours before you intend to due to being cold, being able to see your breath in your own damn kitchen and being told that you can't even go to the bathroom. I'd have been less upset if I woke up to find that one of my testicles had packed a suitcase and moved to California.

Naturally, my roommates and I used a lighter to ignite our stove and huddled around it to keep warm, and then made a family packet of macaroni and cheese. After this, we packed our shit up and abandoned the place to stay at our other friend's house in the meantime. Then we (mostly me actually) did the only sensible thing to deal with all this shit, and took a little old-fashioned style medicine.

If it's good enough for hairy, agitated Siberian hitmen who die in their early 30's, then it's good enough for me.

After drinking massive quantities for hours on end, I somehow managed to lose my wallet for what is probably at least the eighty-third time in the last year or so. Furious, I drank a little more to help solve the problem, and right before it was luckily found underneath a chair I decided to set out on the streets to interrogate each and every person in the city of Pittsburgh about the whereabouts of it. God bless the brilliancy you inspire, Mr. Impaler. Closed out the night watching the greatest movie ever created. Toxic Avenger IV. I'm not kidding, go watch it. Your life will never be the same.

Well, it's about time to have some beers, it is a Sunday after all.

Anybody got a bagel with cream cheese on them? I'll pay you for that shit.

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