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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Official 2 days late Super Bowl prediction

Well everyone, the big day is finally here two days ago. So before it's too late, it's time to give you all my official prediction for what we're about to have already seen.

In one corner, we have the 14-2 Colts, quarterbacked by the unstoppable and possible demi-god Peyton Manning, who was begotten from his father Archie Manning, descended onto Earth inside of a humble stable/hospital and chosen by a bright star in the north to lead the football team of Indianapolis.

In the other corner, we have the 13-3 Saints, an entity from the deep south, in a city devastated and in ruins from the raucous partying they've done throughout the centuries. Some say even looking at New Orleans turns you into a pillar of salt.

Such a matchup hath been foretold.

In the beginning, there shall be singing by heavenly choirs and a beautiful angel (who some refer to as Carrie Underwood) to announce the impending struggle that will be decided on the field of Miami. Machine-like birds of war will fly in formation overhead to signal the beginning the conflict, which will begin with a single piece of metal being flung in the air to decide who makes the first move.

At first, Manning will drive back the opposition, gaining a clear and complete advantage against the Saints and converting many towards his side very rapidly. He will be called one of the great leaders of our time and will change the way we think of quarterbacks. His followers will be many.

But the draw of the Saints will become stronger, as many were predisposed and accustomed to being on their side from the beginning. The great Manning and the Colts will do their best to hold onto their message and lead, but over time, the brutality and punishing ferocity of the Saints will grab hold of the unholy struggle for mankind's future (A.K.A. the Vince Lombardi Trophy).

Mr. Manning will do his best to fight the demons that lay before him, but in the end the masses will be too much against him. His best effort to save Indianapolis will end with a final stake being driven into his heart for roughly 74 yards.


But, all hope is not lost our friends.. for it has been written that 3 seasons from now, Manning will rise once again, to lead the Colts to the promised land.

Final predicted score: Saints 31, Colts 17. Longshot, I know.

Go in peace.

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